Higher Levels of Thinking for Higher Level Results

Higher Levels of Thinking: Tuning in to Resourceful States There’s a familiar quote from Albert Einstein that says, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This profound statement indicates the importance...

Overcoming Indecision: A Path to Clarity and Decisiveness

Overcoming Indecision: A Path to Clarity and Decisiveness Indecisiveness can be a frustrating and paralyzing state of mind that hinders personal growth and progress. Whether faced with small choices or life-altering decisions, the inability to make up our minds can...

Process Focused vs Results Focused – Achieving Success

When it comes to achieving success, there are two primary approaches people take: process-focused and results-focused. While both approaches have their merits, they have distinct differences in how they prioritize their efforts and what they value most....


Doing hard things can seem intimidating and overwhelming, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Here are a few benefits of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and tackling difficult tasks: Personal growth: When we do hard things, we stretch ourselves and...